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AI for Good Institute

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at Stanford University

13 July - 11 August 2024

*Online (13 July - 3 August ) + In-Person (4-11 August)

Program Experience

This page provides some highlights to help you envision the full program experience.


To get a clearer understanding of our program experience, curriculum, and schedule, please download the full pitch deck (ie: brochure) below:


Transformational Experience

Stanford campus immersion: Enjoy the living and dining experience at the epicenter of innovation in Silicon Valley. Choose the residential package to live and dine on the Stanford campus for 8 days and 7 nights. (Limited spots*)

Experiential Learning: Join live AI/ ML TA labs and office hours. Participate in hands-on workshops in AI, and entrepreneurship to apply concepts covered at every step.

Project-Based Learning: Apply AI and ML skills to tackle real challenges through a team-based startup venture project.


Cutting-edge AI Applications: Study the latest applications of AI technologies in rapidly growing sectors such as Tech Safety, Sustainability, Healthcare, and Education.

Startup VC Pitch: Present an AI for Good Startup idea to Silicon Valley VCs and industry mentors, receiving crucial feedback.

Networking Opportunities: Access exclusive networking events with Silicon Valley professionals, mentors, and investors.

First three weeks: Online

Online Orientation: The AI for Good Institute promises to be a life-changing experience. Starting with an online orientation,  we introduce the program's objectives, curriculum, and the transformative potential it holds for your career and societal impact. Expect an interactive session with icebreakers and a chance to get to know your fellow participants and staff. This is where the journey begins.



Online Conference

AI and Machine Learning Fundamentals

Embark on a multi-session exploration into the fundamentals of Data Science, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence.


Gain hands-on experience with applying AI and ML technologies through live TA labs and workshops to develop an AI for Good data science solution.


The AI/ ML curriculum covers:

  • Intro to AI and Machine Learning

  • Deep Learning and Neural Networks

  • Natural Language Processing

  • Generative AI

  • Intelligent Robotics

  • Computer Vision


Building on these concepts, participant teams will develop an AI project for social good. They will start with data collection from a curated/ approved set, data preparation/ cleaning, and begin initial model deployment. Teams will have live TA-curated labs to help them apply the concepts and project office hours to help them build the data science solution. 

Project Ideas

Creativity kicks into high gear as participants gather to explore project ideas. This brainstorming session is designed to inspire and foster collaborative thinking.


Projects can be in rapidly growing AI for Good fields such as:

  • Tech Safety: AI Ethics, Cybersecurity, Privacy

  • Sustainability

  • Healthcare

  • Education


Following the ideation phase, you'll have the opportunity to vote on the projects, with the top selections moving forward. This democratic approach ensures that the projects pursued are passionately supported by the entire cohort.



Reading Notes

Project Teams

Based on expressed interests in fields such as tech safety, healthcare, sustainability, and education, teams are formed. This process ensures that each group is aligned in passion and purpose, setting the stage for impactful collaboration on AI for Good projects.

Team Meeting

AI for Good: Startup Innovation

Dive into the heart of the program with an introduction to the Impact Genius AI for Good Startup Innovation Framework. Project teams dive into a highly interactive startup development process, leveraging Human-Centered AI design principles and foundational business concepts required for success.


The AI for Good Startup Innovation process includes:

Design | Product | Market | Finance | Strategy


This proprietary training was developed by real social entrepreneurs and in consultation with business school educators and startup experts. The goal of this training is to empower passionate social innovators to leverage technology and key business skills to drive AI for Good ventures and products to real-world success.

Stanford EVGR

Final Week: Stanford Campus Immersion


On 4 August, 2024, at Stanford University, residential participants of the AI for Good Institute are welcomed into the EVGR graduate residences, Stanford's newest and most amenity-rich residential facility. Here, as a residential student, you'll enjoy the privacy and comfort of a single room equipped with its own bathroom, designed to provide a conducive environment for rest and study. Your stay is complemented by three meals a day at Stanford's world-class dining halls, renowned for their quality and variety. This initial experience sets the stage for an enriching journey ahead, where comfort meets academic excellence. For more details on dining, visit Stanford Residential & Dining

Startup Development: Step by Step

Design | Product | Market | Finance | Strategy

Project teams develop their AI for Good startup pitch through a meticulously crafted step-by-step journey.


The online sessions cover the design process, which leads to the MVP, both from a data-seience and business perspective.


The in-person sessions cover product, market, finance, strategy, and the final pitch. Our curriculum uniquely blends the concepts of social innovation with business strategy and technical AI development success strategies. Participants learn how to build AI for Good startups that achieve both impact and financial sustainability.


Team Meeting
In a Meeting

Artificial Intelligence:
Industry Applications and Ethics 

During the in-person week, participants dive deeper into the previously covered AI technologies, exploring real-world industry applications and ethical/ policy considerations. High-profile guest speakers from Stanford and the technology sector will be invited to address participants. Alongside live lectures, participants will attend live TA workshops and labs to apply the concepts being learned. Additionally, participants have the opportunity to schedule live office hours with project consultants and TAs as they finalize their team based data science project development.


AI Ethics, Policy, and Human Centered AI

Thought-provoking lectures and talks will encourage participants to think deeply about the intersection of AI innovation with ethics, social good, and global policy.


Participants will understand why ethical AI advocacy and a deep understanding of policy and regulation are key to the success of AI for Good ventures.​

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Leadership Presentation

Communications Masterclass: Pitch Prep

Half a day is dedicated to refining your communication skills with a focus on pitch preparation. Whether you're aiming to launch a venture or drive innovation within a large company, this masterclass equips you with the skills to present your ideas effectively and persuasively.

AI Innovation & Tech Investment

Stay ahead of the curve by understanding the criteria VCs use to invest in startups and how to align your AI project with the latest trends in tech investment and how social good ventures can plan for success.

Speakers at Conference

Careers and Startup Sucess: Workshop

Turn inwards and explore. 


Amidst the fast-paced nature of our program, participants will go through a workshop that leverages life coaching principles to inspire them to imagine a new future for themselves. One where they bring their personal and professional aspirations to life. We will discuss the neuroscience behind startup success and how to leverage it to our advantage.

The Big Day: Final Pitch. 

The moment has arrived. The culmination of your hard work: present your AI for Good project to a panel of VCs, industry experts, and tech leaders. This is your opportunity to showcase your innovative solutions and receive valuable feedback from industry experts, mentors, and investors. This is the culmination of the experience. It sets the stage for exponential career growth once you graduate and receive your certification as an AI Innovation Specialist, or AI for Good Professional.

Lecture Presentation

Networking Event

Connect with fellow innovators, industry leaders, and potential collaborators in an informal setting, fostering relationships that can extend beyond the program.

Awards Ceremony

Graduation Ceremony and Credentialing

Celebrate your achievements with a physical certificate of completion, and a verified digital badge as a Certified AI for Good Professional, or AI Innovation Specialist.


Congratulations. Exciting new possibilities await you after this program.

Want to learn more?

Download the program brochure.

Learn about our schedule, curriculum, and more!

Watch our webinars

Get all your questions answered in these must-watch webinars. We go over program details, curriculum deep dive, schedule, the program experience, scholarships and discounts, and more. 

Ready to apply?

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